There was a meteor shower last night and New Zealand was in prime spot to observe it. Comet 46P / Wirtanen had gone too close to Jupiter in 1972 and the debris from that event was hitting Earth last night – having taken 51 years to get here!
It had been a windy and cloudy day, but the skies had opened enough at night for me to ‘generally’ see the sky in the central North Island. The meteor shower was not great really and I only saw two with my naked eyes (one of which was amazing, blasted across the sky)… but the camera captured a few more.
I went back to one of my favourite spots for astrophotography in the North Island near Atiamuri and later in the night very near to Whakamaru Dam.
I’ve quickly edited some shots below but I need to look through the other ones properly to see what I might have captured and edit them properly.