I’ve been fascinated by photography for as long as I can remember…
I was given a basic camera for Christmas when I was 8 years old. Unfortunately, film was expensive, we were poor and I was only allowed to take about 8 photos that day. Then, the camera was taken off me – and that was end of my photography adventure!
These days I love the freedom that the digital world gives you and predominantly take landscape / architecture photographs, as well as astrophotography images. My camera is an ageing Canon 5D Mk III and I work with 3 main lenses – a 20-year old 16-35 mm (used for Astro), a 24-105 mm and cool new 100-400 mm Mk II – with a 1.4 extender.
Very early in 2020, just before the global COVID-19 pandemic, I was able to complete a life long dream and spent 3 months travelling and photographing the South Island of New Zealand. After almost 25 years of living in Europe it was amazing to see & embrace this beautiful country while photographing it.
Enjoy the photography!
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