Further to the post I put up of the Meteors over the Southern Alps in New Zealand, here's a bit more detail on it. It was taken in May of 2023 after an evening spent doing astrophotography at Lake Tekapo. I had zoomed across to Lake Pukaki to capture the sunrise over the Southern Alps via timelapse... Unbeknownst to me there was a meteor shower going on (as I later … [Read more...] about Meteors over the Southern Alps of New Zealand
Steampunk Thames 2024
I went down to the Steampunk Festival in Thames yesterday. It was a lovely day, the sun was shining and the world was full of colour and creativity. Here's some pictures from the day... … [Read more...] about Steampunk Thames 2024
A lone surfer at Piha
A lone surfer contemplates the waves at Piha, as Lion Rock silently looks on. I too was wondering what I was doing out there on such a grey overcast day. I was standing out on the rock taking some pictures on a rather dismal day, when this guy came along and stood looking at the waves before heading in. A lone surfer at Piha … [Read more...] about A lone surfer at Piha
A womble down Leith Walk
I went for a wee womble down Leith Walk and had my lunch in Leith Links. … [Read more...] about A womble down Leith Walk
A visit to the West End of Edinburgh
I jumped on a tram and got off at the West End of Edinburgh for some test photos. … [Read more...] about A visit to the West End of Edinburgh