Further to the post I put up of the Meteors over the Southern Alps in New Zealand, here's a bit more detail on it. It was taken in May of 2023 after an evening spent doing astrophotography at Lake Tekapo. I had zoomed across to Lake Pukaki to capture the sunrise over the Southern Alps via timelapse... Unbeknownst to me there was a meteor shower going on (as I later … [Read more...] about Meteors over the Southern Alps of New Zealand
Meteor Shower (Comet 46P / Wirtanen)
There was a meteor shower last night and New Zealand was in prime spot to observe it. Comet 46P / Wirtanen had gone too close to Jupiter in 1972 and the debris from that event was hitting Earth last night - having taken 51 years to get here! It had been a windy and cloudy day, but the skies had opened enough at night for me to 'generally' see the sky in the central North … [Read more...] about Meteor Shower (Comet 46P / Wirtanen)
Astrophotography Rock at Lake Tekapo
On a recent jaunt to Lake Tekapo, I took this picture of a rock with the Milky Way stretching up behind the lake and distant mountains. There was some lovely green airglow in the air which added to the lovely scene. A rock on the foreshore of Lake Tekapo with the Milky Way … [Read more...] about Astrophotography Rock at Lake Tekapo
Astrophotography of the Church at Lake Tekapo
On one little adventure up North I was able to go to Lake Tekapo to do a bit of Astrophotography. I've been there about 5 times and I still get excited to go there. You see Tekapo has been designated as a Dark Sky Reserve. Because of its geographical location it has unnaturally clear views of the night skies. The small township has taken this further in doing their best to … [Read more...] about Astrophotography of the Church at Lake Tekapo
Clyde Dam Astrophotography
I went on a jaunt westwards from Wānaka to a wee township called Clyde, in Central Otago. My plan had been to do some astrophotography at the Clyde Dam. That didn't go too well originally as the Milky Way was not where I thought it was going to be, the front of the dam was extremely lit up at night (killing any chance of doing Astro stuff with it) and there was no way to get … [Read more...] about Clyde Dam Astrophotography