Further to the post I put up of the Meteors over the Southern Alps in New Zealand, here's a bit more detail on it. It was taken in May of 2023 after an evening spent doing astrophotography at Lake Tekapo. I had zoomed across to Lake Pukaki to capture the sunrise over the Southern Alps via timelapse... Unbeknownst to me there was a meteor shower going on (as I later … [Read more...] about Meteors over the Southern Alps of New Zealand
New Zealand
Steampunk Thames 2024
I went down to the Steampunk Festival in Thames yesterday. It was a lovely day, the sun was shining and the world was full of colour and creativity. Here's some pictures from the day... … [Read more...] about Steampunk Thames 2024
A lone surfer at Piha
A lone surfer contemplates the waves at Piha, as Lion Rock silently looks on. I too was wondering what I was doing out there on such a grey overcast day. I was standing out on the rock taking some pictures on a rather dismal day, when this guy came along and stood looking at the waves before heading in. A lone surfer at Piha … [Read more...] about A lone surfer at Piha
Meteor Shower (Comet 46P / Wirtanen)
There was a meteor shower last night and New Zealand was in prime spot to observe it. Comet 46P / Wirtanen had gone too close to Jupiter in 1972 and the debris from that event was hitting Earth last night - having taken 51 years to get here! It had been a windy and cloudy day, but the skies had opened enough at night for me to 'generally' see the sky in the central North … [Read more...] about Meteor Shower (Comet 46P / Wirtanen)
Hydroplane Boats at Lake Maraetai
I caught wind that there was going to be a boat regatta on at Lake Maraetai over the weekend - and I was in the neighbourhood. Not only that, but there were going to be hydroplane boats there too! If you've never seen them before (like me), think 'top fuel dragster'. These things are fast, very fast - and very LOUD! … [Read more...] about Hydroplane Boats at Lake Maraetai